October Roads Studio is a place for DIY crafting ideas,
home & holiday decor, mixed with moments of life!
I’m so glad I live in a world where there are October’s. . .
~Anne of Green Gables
From the Blog
- So Many Ideas, So Little Time: Embracing the Chaos of Wanting to Do ItAllIf you’re like me, your to-do list probably reads like a DIY circus:make all the crafts, design ALL the decor, write ALL the blog posts. Youwant to do it all because, hey, everything looks like a good idea at 2a.m. But if you’ve ever tried to…
- The Achieve ConferenceThe Achieve conference is not only about learning, it’s about transformation. It’s about, as they say, the magic that happens when brilliant minds come together to explore new horizons and push the boundaries of what can be possible! The objective of the conference is a commitment…
- World Mental Health DayThis day, October 10th every year, has been dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and breaking the stigma that is so often attached to it. It is a day focused on encouraging people to focus on their mental well-being. It also serves as an important reminder…
- Tier Tray TuesdaysIf you are a regular follower on Facebook, you know we do Tier Tray crafting on Tuesdays nights. You can follow along live while I and a friend paint and assemble Tier Tray kits and crafts. The last one we did was this super cute Harvest…
- Welcome to October Roads StudioHello, my name is Toni Johnson! I am the owner and founder of October Roads Studio. I have been exploring the DIY, crafting, and home decor industry for over 30 years. I am married to David who is the love of my life and is my…